pic programming

  • Programming  is the next step that you should do after building your line follower. This is a sample of the programming for line follower robot that are using PIC16877A microcontroller. This program can be use for the circuit on my previous post Line Follower Robot. If you haven’t already read it, I suggest you read it before going any further in this post.

#include <pic.h>

void main ()

{          int x;                                                    //declare variable x as integer type
            TRISD = 0b00000000;                       //select port D as output for motor direction and LED
            TRISC = 0b00000000;                       //select port C as output for motor enable
            PORTC = 0b00000000;                     

            PR2 = 249;                                          //set period = 200µs @ frequency = 5 kHz    
            T2CON = 0b00000111;                      //timer 2 ON, prescaler is 16
            CCP1CON = 0b00001100;                //set CCP1 as PWM mode
            CCP2CON = 0b00001100;                //set CCP2 as PWM mode
            CCPR1L = 249;                                 //set duty cycle = 100%
            CCPR2L = 249;                                 // set duty cycle = 100%
            CMCON = 0b00000110;                    //set for internal voltage reference
            CVRCON = 0b11101001;                  //set Vref = 3.125 volts

                        {          if(C1OUT==1 && C2OUT==1){                  //if both sensor detect white area
                                                CCPR1L = 113;                                  //set duty cycle = 45%
                                                CCPR2L = 118;                                  //set duty cycle = 47%
                                                PORTD = 0b00000110;}                   //robot is straight on the line, robot
            move straight forward

else if(C1OUT==1 && C2OUT==0){           //sensor 1 detect white area while 
            sensor 2 detect black area
                                                CCPR1L = 165;                                  //set duty cycle = 66%
                                                CCPR2L = 165;                                  //set duty cycle = 66%
                                                PORTD=0b10001010;}                      //robot steers to the left

                                    else if(C1OUT==0 && C2OUT==1){           //sensor 1 detect black area while
            sensor 2 detect white area
                                                CCPR2L = 165;                                  //set duty cycle = 66%
                                                CCPR1L = 165;                                  //set duty cycle = 66%
                                                PORTD=0b10000101;}                      //robot steers to the right

                                    else if(C1OUT==0 && C2OUT==0){           //both sensor detect black area
                                                PORTD=0b00000000;}                      //robot will stop moving


EPL Results

Uma Thurman's Face

Uma Thurman face


Uma Thurman face

Uma Thurman face

Uma Thurman face

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10 Best Ping Page 2015
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Ph and Temperature Monitoring System Circuit Connection Using Arduino.

 Monitoring System Circuit Connection Using Arduino Mega 2560

Last time, I've posted about my monitoring system that I use for my hydroponic project, so now I want to share the circuit connection for the system which maybe can help your to make you project.

This circuit uses Arduino mega 2560 as a controller, DS1307 RTC is to get time for my data log, LCD Display is to display reading for both sensors that I've used. There also SD module to slot SD card to store data come from sensors.

Hope this can help.

Ph and Temperature Monitoring System for Hydroponic Using Arduino

To develop a monitoring system there are components that are used to build the system which is microcontroller, sensors, real time clock module, LCD display and the data logger. All of these components are soldered on the veroboard and connected to each other to complete the circuit.

Above is the block diagram of the monitoring system for the NFT hydroponic. The system is functioning when the microcontroller received the information data from the sensors, the microcontroller reads the information data and display it to the LCD display that can be seen by the user. On the display, time and date are also appearing because of the real time clock module. Then information data that read by the microcontroller that received from the sensors is stored into the memory storage by using a data logger. In this system  each of the components is very important to ensure the monitoring system is functioning.

Arduino monitoring system
Monitoring system

Kucing menyelamatkan bayi ditinggalkan di Rusia

Masha, seekor kucing terbiar telah menjadi hero apabila telah menyelamatkan seorang bayi lelaki yang telah ditinggalkan didalam sebuah kotak di sebuah bangunan apartmen Obninsk, Russia ketika suhu bandar itu mencecah 0 darjah celcius.

Kucing yang bernama Masha, telah menjadi penyelamat apabila masuk ke dalam kotak di mana bayi itu ditinggalkan dan memanaskan badan bayi itu dengan bulunya selama beberapa jam selain menjilat bahagian muka bayi itu sehingga seorang penduduk apartment menemui pasangan itu dan menelefon polis .

Wanita yang menjumpai bayi dan kucing itu mengatakan telah terdengar kucing mengiau dengan kuat seperti dalam kesusahan yang telah membawa penemuan kepada bayi tersebut.yang berusia lebih kurang 12 minggu yang dijumpai dalam kotak di tangga di aparment itu.

Bayi itu dibawa ke sebuah hospital tempatan dan disah sihat walaupun tinggal di dalam keadaan sejuk selama beberapa jam. Semenjak kejadian itu ,Masha telah di manjakan dan diberikan makanan yang banyak oleh penduduk apartment sekitar.

Kini polis tempatan sedang mencari ibubapa bayi tersebut yang kini di dalam jagaan pihak hospital buat sementara waktu.